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The characteristics and virtues photo

Добавлено: 15 ноя 2022, 13:03
Sense since many assimilate at slower rates and perform with a delay. It so happens that the few of which I spoke above are not the same as the ultimately excellent. Second that everyone absolutely everyone can benefit from any lesson and raise their performance to a level significantly better than that of the beginning. After all the teacher does not add anything to the students who do not already have it but tries with the method knowledge hints and thoughts that he will propose to help them make fuller use of that they already have. He can still convince them and this is particularly important that qualities or virtues they possessed and diligently.

Concealed either because they believed they were not allowed e-commerce photo editing to manifest them or because they did not believe they deserved that they not only deserve but can be exploited. In this way a complex network of unique relationships is created within a teaching group including interlearning relationships the balance of which requires intelligent delicate experienced and sensitive handling on the part of the teacher. The development of his abilities in this direction will be based on experience but primarily on his own preexisting virtues and qualities. However the combination of both of these sides will not pay off if it is not motivated by a strong desire for the teaching work.


Thousands of people can work and this happens most of the time without much attraction to their activity. But the last person who can do it is the teacher. Note that I am not referring to zeal but to attraction to fascination. Zeal can make a good professional. Maybe even a typically conscientious teacher. But only the charm of teaching and the teaching relationship can create the special teacher. One whose memory may follow us from school desks or whose presence for a brief period in more mature years guided and influenced us. After all teaching work most of the time is not very profitable work so it makes sense to be driven by interest more than profit.